The Man Who Saved a Legacy: How Colbert Henry Eyraud Preserved Cabot's Pueblo Museum
What doe it mean to create a legacy, and what doe it mean to preserve one? Cabot Abram Yerxa and Colbert henry Eyraud stand apart as the two individuals most responsible for the underpinnings of Cabot's Pueblo Museum in Desert Hot Springs. Their paths crossed on the surface level in the sense that they met, but more importantly on a deeper level as keepers of a structure that is simultaneously simple ( in materials) and complicated ( in the incorporation of 35 rooms, 150 windows, 65 doors, and 3 rooflines).
Cabot's Museum Foundation has covered Cabot Yerxa's life in multiple publications. This book focuses on Cole Eyraud, who purchased the pueblo property in 1968 and worked until his dying day in 1996 on preserving and promoting the legacy of a desert pioneer.
To overlook the efforts of those who keep the flame alive is to dismiss the value of what has come before us. Whatever else Cole Henry Eyraud did, that is one thing he would not allow to happen on his watch.