Old Magic
Curiosities of the California Desert: Historic, Offbeat & Forgotten Attractions
Best Easy Day Hikes: Palm Springs and Coachella Valley
Indian Givers
Best Easy Day Hikes Joshua Tree National Park
The Miracle of Mata Ortiz-Paper Back
100 Desert Wildflowers
Five Star Trails: Palm Springs
Coachella Valley Images of Nature
Little Jewel's Remarkable Journey
A Pocket Naturalist Guide: California Trees & Wildflowers
The Wisdom of the Native Americans by Kent Nerburn
140 Great Hikes in and near Palm Springs by Philip Ferranti with Hank Koenig
Joshua Tree: The Complete Guide by James Kaisesr
Touring California and Nevada Hot Springs
Hummingbirds: Marvels of the Bird World
American Indian Myths & Legends
Cactus of the Southwest
Cycling the Palm Springs Region
Enchanted Valley: Palm Springs and Beyond
A Pocket Naturalist Guide California Butterflies & Pollinators
The Waters of Comfort
Desert Hiking Tips
Taste of Nature: Edible Plants of the Southwest and How to Prepare Them